Search results for: “disciplines”

  • Disciplines

    Disciplines and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Disciplines: In GATT parlance, refers to members' substantive obligations undertaken by members to refrain from […]

  • Gats

    Gats in International Trade Meaning of Gats, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): The General Agreement on Trade Services is a World Trade Organization agreement that is the first multilateral agreement provide legally enforceable rules covering all […]

  • Gats

    Gats in International Trade Meaning of Gats, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): The General Agreement on Trade Services is a World Trade Organization agreement that is the first multilateral agreement provide legally enforceable rules covering all […]

  • Criminology

    Introduction to Criminology According to Encarta, "Criminology, the scientific study of criminals and criminal behavior. Criminologists attempt to build theories that explain why crimes occur and test those theories by observing behavior. Criminological theories help shape society's […]

  • Digital Literacy

    Digital Literacy, the Law and other Social Sciences The essay provides a comprehensive overview of digital literacy, looking at the theoretical and ideological construct of the term from functional and critical perspectives. Digital literacy as a heterogeneous concept, its scope and […]

  • Digital Literacy

    Digital Literacy, the Law and other Social Sciences The essay provides a comprehensive overview of digital literacy, looking at the theoretical and ideological construct of the term from functional and critical perspectives. Digital literacy as a heterogeneous concept, its scope and […]

  • Trade Policy

    Diplomacy and International Trade (London, 1994) "Today, the generally accepted view (at least on the part of most states) is that trade, and particularly free trade, is good, notwithstanding the conflicts (and bouts of protectionism) that arise between individual states and between […]

  • Energy Law

    Most Popular Entries related to Energy Law Energy Law (in the World) Energy Law Schools (in the World) Energy Lawyer Salary (in the World) Oil Law (in the World) Gas Law (in the World) See Also Federal Energy Regulation Commission (United States) New Disciplines on Energy Law This […]

  • Thesaurus

    A Thesaurus is an online database or a book of synonyms and near-synonyms in a written language, usually arranged conceptually, although dictionary arrangement is not uncommon. The first thesaurus of the English language, published in 1852, was compiled by Peter Mark Roget. For an online […]

  • Uruguay Round

    Uruguay Round and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Uruguay Round: The eighth GAIT Round, launched in 1986 with 105 countries participating, and extended in December 1990 […]

  • Sociology

    Introduction to Sociology Sociology may be defined as the scientific study of human social relations or group life. See more definitions of Sociology in the Legal Dictionary. Other disciplines within the social sciences-including economics, political science, anthropology, and […]

  • Sustainable Development

    Definition and Origins Sustainability and sustainable development were initially defined and promulgated in a report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, "Our Common Future" (1987). This report said (page 43) that sustainable development "is development that […]

  • Inter-Organizational Relations

    Inter-Organizational Relations Researchers began to engage in the study of inter-organizational relations later than their colleagues in neighboring disciplines such as sociology and economics. A further consolidation of the study of inter-organizational relations is expected to be achieved, including for the broader philosophical or socio-theoretical assumptions and for the political and societal implications of these…


    GREEK AND ROMAN RELIGIONS The religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Greeks and Romans have not attracted social scientific investigation to the extent accorded either the major world faiths or the religions of band and tribal peoples. Notwithstanding that one would be hard-pressed to find a living devotee of Zeus or Athena, Janus or…


    SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION A recently published British textbook describes the task of the sociology of religion in three ways: first, to further the understanding of the role of religion in society; second, to analyze its significance in and impact upon human history; and, third, to understand the social forces and influences that in turn shape…