Search results for: “critical stage”

  • Critical Stage

    Resources See Also Counsel, right to Custodial interrogation

  • Right to Counsel

    Counsel, Right to Resources See Also Assistance of counsel Critical stage Effective assistance of counsel Escobedo Rule Miranda Rule Public defender

  • Right to Counsel

    Counsel, Right to Resources See Also Assistance of counsel Critical stage Effective assistance of counsel Escobedo Rule Miranda Rule Public defender

  • Sudan

    The Legal History of Sudan This section provides an overview of Sudan Sudan in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): During 2011, the United States continued its bilateral and multilateral initiatives to […]

  • Sudan

    The Legal History of Sudan This section provides an overview of Sudan Sudan in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): During 2011, the United States continued its bilateral and multilateral initiatives to […]

  • Education

    "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." — Alvin Toffler See Education links History of Education In the following treatment of this subject, the theory and early history of education is […]

  • Piracy

    See Transnational crime . The first precise attempt to codify piracy was in 1958 when the Convention on the High Seas was adopted in order to clarify the legal status of pirates and the competence to arrest pirates. These articles in the Convention on the High Seas have been incorporated into […]


    DENOMINATIONALISMThe term denomination was innovated in the late seventeenth century by those groups of Christians in England who dissented from the established Church of England but considered themselves to be entirely loyal to the British state and recognized the monarch as having rights with respect to the Church of England. In 1702, specifically, the Presbyterians,…


    DENOMINATIONALISMThe term denomination was innovated in the late seventeenth century by those groups of Christians in England who dissented from the established Church of England but considered themselves to be entirely loyal to the British state and recognized the monarch as having rights with respect to the Church of England. In 1702, specifically, the Presbyterians,…

  • Reproductive Health

    Reproductive Health (in the Human Development Area) In this context, Reproductive Health means: WHO's definition of health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, reproductive health addresses the reproductive […]

  • Libya

    Countries or entities currently subject to sanctions by the United States: Libya Libya in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): On March 26, 2011, State Department Legal Adviser Harold Hongju Koh […]

  • Nationalism

    Nationalism Definition Nationalism, movement in which the nation-state is regarded as the most important force for the realization of social, economic, and cultural aspirations of a people. Nationalism is characterized principally by a feeling of community among a people, based on common […]

  • Sustainable Development

    Definition and Origins Sustainability and sustainable development were initially defined and promulgated in a report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, "Our Common Future" (1987). This report said (page 43) that sustainable development "is development that […]


    SEXISM Millions of believers gather regularly in churches, synagogues, and other “holy” places to worship a higher power, learn the doctrines and principles of their faith, socialize with other followers, and celebrate a particular form of “family life.” Commensurate with the faith messages are admonitions concerning the rights and responsibilities of men, women, and children…

  • Hashish

    Hashish or Indian hemp Note: see the entry on Legality of cannabis Hashish: THE GENEVA CONFERENCES In 1923 the South African Government sent to the League of Nations the suggestion that hashish should be treated as a habit-forming narcotic drug and brought within the scope of The Hague Convention. The Advisory Committee considered the matter…