Search results for: “american law reports”

  • American Law Reports

    American Law Reports (ALR) as Secondary Authority and other Legal Research Sources ALR Components There is more information about this subjet related to the field of legal research in the legal encyclopedia.Research Using ALR There is more information about this subjet related to the field of […]

  • American Law Reports (ALR)

    American Law Reports(ALR) American Law Reports (A.L.R.) are a series of reporters begun in 1919 which contain articles, usually referred to as “Annotations “(in fact, they’re detailed law review articles) on over 27,000 different Legal topics , written by practicing lawyers. Each article discusses the issue in detail and provides extensive citations to relevant judicial…

  • Digests and American Law Reports

    Digests and American Law Reports Introduction An ALR annotation is usually easier to use than a digest. Digests consist simply of case abstracts, with no explanation text, so the reader must often wade through many irrelevant or no pertinent results before to find the relevant one. Digests usually do not indicate that a court decision…

  • International Law

    International Law consists of the rules and principles of general application dealing with the conduct of States and of international organizations in their international relations with one another and with private individuals, minority groups and transnational companies. Legal Issues […]

  • Islamic Law

    The Legal History of Islamic Law Law and Dogma Islamic law —ShariÂ’a— evolved over time in response to the Muslim communityÂ’s need for a legal system. The most important source of law was the traditions of the Prophet (sunna) as revealed in reports […]

  • Islamic Law

    The Legal History of Islamic Law Law and Dogma Islamic law —ShariÂ’a— evolved over time in response to the Muslim communityÂ’s need for a legal system. The most important source of law was the traditions of the Prophet (sunna) as revealed in reports […]

  • Administrative Law

    Introduction Administrative law deals with the exercise of public power and the control of government decisions. Topics in administrative law include the role of the State, the governmental structures that influence the administrative law system, the principles of good administration, the […]

  • Administrative Law

    Introduction Administrative law deals with the exercise of public power and the control of government decisions. Topics in administrative law include the role of the State, the governmental structures that influence the administrative law system, the principles of good administration, the […]

  • Common Law

    Introduction to Common Law "Common Law, term used to refer to the main body of English unwritten law that evolved from the 12th century onward. The name comes from the idea that English medieval law, as administered by the courts of the realm, reflected the "common"customs of […]

  • Common Law

    Introduction to Common Law "Common Law, term used to refer to the main body of English unwritten law that evolved from the 12th century onward. The name comes from the idea that English medieval law, as administered by the courts of the realm, reflected the "common"customs of […]

  • Commercial law

    Commercial law Introduction to Commercial Law Commercial Law, body of law that relates to commerce and business transactions. Commercial law includes the laws that pertain to sales; negotiable instruments, such as checks and promissory notes; carriage by land and sea; insurance; brokerage; […]

  • Commercial law

    Commercial law Introduction to Commercial Law Commercial Law, body of law that relates to commerce and business transactions. Commercial law includes the laws that pertain to sales; negotiable instruments, such as checks and promissory notes; carriage by land and sea; insurance; brokerage; […]

  • Comparative Law

    Comparative law may be defined as the study of the similarities and differences between the laws or legal rules of two or more countries, or between two or more legal systems (i.e. the study of legal systems and laws in different countries). It is not a body of rules and principle. It is a […]

  • Minimum Holdings for Law Libraries

    Minimum Holdings for Law Libraries Standards for law libraries may help to stop the damage caused by continual cancelling of highly valued serial and monograph holdings, damage which has been going on, in several countries, such as Australia, since the seventies. There is a limit to what a law school needs in its library to…

  • American Digest System

    Case digests for American law, comprised of three different series: the Centennial Digest (cases up to 1896); the Decennial Digest (a number of sets covering either 10 or 5 years of cases, commencing in 1896); and the General Digest (volumes covering the period since the most recent Decennial […]