Investment treaty law and arbitration books reviews

Investment treaty law and arbitration books reviews


  • Investment treaty law and arbitration books
  • Investment treaty law and arbitration books chapters
  • Investment treaty law and arbitration articles
  • Investment treaty law and arbitration symposia
  • <a title="Permalink to Bilateral Investment Treaties “href=” Treaties /”rel=”bookmark/”> Bilateral Investment Treaties
  • <a title="Permalink to Arbitral Institutions “href=””rel=”bookmark/”> Arbitral Institutions
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  • <a title="Permalink to Arbitration Organizations worldwide “href=””rel=”bookmark/”> Arbitration Organizations worldwide
  • Investment treaty law and arbitration reports
  • Book Reviews

    Tony Cole, “Expropriation of Foreign Direct Investments”(Review of Christopher Hajzler, “Expropriation of Foreign Direct Investments: Sectoral Patterns from 1993 to 2006″(2012) 148 Rev. World Econ. 119), online: (8 March 2012) A Canon for Arbitration and Investment Law ().

    Andrew Godwin, “Book review: Chinese Investment Treaties Policies and Practice, by Norah Gallagher & Wenhua Shan”(2010) 12 Austl. J. Asian L. 320.

    Julien Topal, “Book review: The Evolving International Investment Regime: Expectations, Realities, Options, ed. by José E. Alvarez, Karl P. Sauvant et al.” (February 2012) 23 Eur. J. Int’l L. 300.
    Book Reviews

    Santiago Alvarez González, “Book Review: Liber amicorum Bernardo Cremades ed. by M.A. Fernández Ballesteros & D. Arias”(2011) 27:2 Arbitration Int’l 267.

    Efraim Chalamish, “Do Treaties Matter? On Effectiveness and International Economic Law (Book Review: The Effect of Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment, ed. by Lisa Sachs & Karl Sauvant)”(2011) 32 Mich. J. Int’l L. 325.

    Andreas Kulick, “Book Review: International Investment Law and Comparative Public Law, ed. by Stephan W. Schill”(August 2011) 22 Eur. J. Int’l L. 917.

    Fernando Losada Fraga, “Book Review: The Constitutional Protection of Capitalism by
    Danny Nicol”(2011) 22 Eur. J. Int’l L, 280, online: (2011) Oxford Journals ().

    Marion Panizzon, “Book Review: Legal Principles in WTO Disputes by Andrew D. Mitchell”(January 2011) 105:1 Am. J. Int’l L. 181, online: (2011) SSRN ().

    Riccardo Sciaudone, “Book Review: Energy Dispute Resolution: Investment Protection, Transit and the Energy Charter Treaty, ed. by Graham Coop”(November 2011) 29:4 J. Energy & Nat. Resources L. 508.

    Valentina S. Vadi, “Book Review: State Liability in Investment Treaty Arbitration – Global Constitutional and Administrative law in the BIT Generation, by Santiago Montt”(September 2011) 14 J. Int’l Econ. L. 715.

    Joshua D. Leaver, “Book note. (Reviewing Stephan W. Schill, The Multilateralization of International Investment Law.)” (2009) 20 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 260.

    Alham Usman, “Book note. (Reviewing Zachary Douglas, The International Law of Investment Claims.)” (2009) 20 Am. Rev. Int’l Arb. 257.

    Efraim Chalamish, “Book Review: Do Treaties Matter? On Effectiveness and International Economic Law” (Winter 2011) 32 Mich. J. Int’l L. 325

    Diego Bernal Corredor, “Review of International Investment Law: Reconciling Policy and Principle, by Surya P. Subedi” (2011) 1:1 Asian Journal of International Law 200, online: Cambridge Journals Online ().

    Rafael Leal-Arcas, “Review of International Energy Investment Law: The Pursuit of Stability by P. Cameron” (October 2010) Oil, Gas & Energy L.J. 1, online: SSRN ().

    Diego G. Mejõa-Lemos, “Review of Human Rights in International Investment Law and Arbitration edited by Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Francesco Francioni & Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann” (2011) 1:1 Asian Journal of International Law 199, online: Cambridge Journals Online, ()

    P.M. Protopsaltis, “Book Review:The Multilateralization of International Investment Law by Stephan W. Schill” , online: (2010) Transnational Dispute Management

    Ruth Teitelbaum, “Book Review: The Future of Investment Arbitration by Catherine A. Rogers and Roger P. Alford” (2010) 26:1 Arbitration International 187.



    See Also

    References and Further Reading

    About the Author/s and Reviewer/s

    Author: international

    Mentioned in these Entries

    Administrative law, Arbitral Institutions, Arbitration Organizations worldwide, Arbitration resources, Bilateral Investment Treaties, International Commercial Arbitration, Investment treaty law and arbitration articles, Investment treaty law and arbitration books chapters, Investment treaty law and arbitration books, Investment treaty law and arbitration reports, Investment treaty law and arbitration symposia, List of international arbitration topics, List of international trade topics, Treaties.



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